Have you come across the term “Domain Authority”? Are you wondering how it can impact your online business?
Well, we have got it covered in this article in detail.
SEO is changing regularly so as the measuring indicators. Domain Authority is one such parameter that is used to measure the overall quality of a website.
However, only the domain authority will not give you the real picture of a website; it is just one of the indicators that you can use a reference.
If you are managing a blog or any other online business the domain authority is one of the key quality indicators for your business.
What is Domain Authority?
Domain Authority is a measuring parameter that was developed by Moz and it became popular among the users after Google decided to stop releasing Page Rank which used to be one of the key quality parameters for the websites back in the days.
Domain Authority indicates “reputation of a website” that is rated between 0 to 100. The higher your domain authority, the better it is for your site.
If you check websites like Google, Facebook, Twitter, they have perfect 100 domain authority and it understandable as they are the biggest websites in the world and used by billions of users every month.
There are tools like Moz Link Explorer to check the domain authority of your website.
It is important to work constantly towards increasing domain authority, here are a few ideas that will help you to increase the domain authority of your site.
01. Eliminate Negative SEO
The first thing you need to do is remove anything that affects your site adversely. There are many poor SEO techniques that can bring your domain authority down.
In fact, it is also possible for your competitors to harm your site by linking your content to low-quality spammy websites.
So, along with creating top referring links for your site, you have to keep a track of your overall backlink profile so that you can fix things before they reach the breaking point.
You can use tools like SEMRush, Ahrefs or free Google Search Console to track your backlink profile.
02. Use Quality Hosting & Tools
The quality of your hosting is very important. The loading speed and security of your site depends largely on the hosting that you are using for your site.
Make sure to use a quality hosting provider for your site, so that your site loads quickly and it is safe.
Also, don’t forget to take regular backup of your site so that you can get your site back quickly if anything goes wrong.
IF there is any technical issue with your site, you will get a message on your Google Search Console, so keep a track of your search console account regularly.
03. Get High Quality Backlinks
The backlinks are one of the most important factors that affect your site’s domain authority.
If you have a strong backlink profile with links from a number of high authority websites, it will impact the domain authority positively.
Though SEO has changed over the years, the backlinks still continue to be one of the key Google Algorithm components that will help you to get your site rank better.
It is important to consider the link opportunities while working on your content strategy.
If you are able to produce high-quality linkable content on a regular basis, you will be able to attract more quality backlinks that will have a great impact on the overall domain authority of your site.
Producing original research based content is a great is a great idea to attract high quality backlinks for your site.
04. Internal Linking
Internal links are another important aspect to look at. A good internal linking strategy could be very helpful in increasing domain authority.
If you look at high authority sites like Wikipedia or any other news site, they use internal links very effectively.
A strategic internal link to old posts gives a new life to those posts, send fresh traffic and reduces the bounce rate of your site.
05. Publishing Frequency
There is a distinct correlation between the frequency of your posting and the domain authority. The higher the frequency of posting, the better will be the domain authority of your site.
A site that publishes 4-5 articles a week will have a higher domain authority than a blog that publishes 1 article in a month keeping all other parameters the same.
So, it is important to keep a blog active with fresh content. If not 4-5 times, you should try to post at least twice a week.
06. Social Media Influencers and Social Media Ads
Social Media promotion should be a very important component of your branding. Because along with driving traffic to your website, a proper social media promotion campaign can do wonders for your brand.
Reach out to social media influencers and collaborate with them to promote your brand by using their reach.
Be it Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you will find influencers who will be open to collaborating with small-scale blogs or business.
In fact, social media influencer marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies at the moment.
Klear is a great tool to start your influencer marketing.
Another advantage of social media influencers is that it is cost-effective for a small business as compared to running ads continuously.
Also, if you wish to go for ads you can try Facebook advertising especially when you are getting started.
Though there is a learning curve, once you understand how to optimize your ads perfectly for better ROI, the ads can be quite effective.
07. Email Outreach & Guest Posting
Email outreach for guest posting is another actively used methods for the brand mention.
You can make a list of blogs where you wish to post your article and reach out to them with a clear and professional email.
The point to note here is that you need to stick to your niche. If your business is in the health niche there is no point in reaching out to a tech blog.
08. Perfect On-Page SEO
Though we have mentioned the subheading as the perfect on-page SEO, there is nothing called perfect when it comes to on-page SEO.
You can surely get better with time and experience. However, every blog post is different and it needs a different treatment.
There are a number of technical factors that come under on-page SEO which include keyword density, heading tags, targeted keywords, permalink structure, image optimization, meta description and more.
A good place to start will be the Yoast SEO Plugin’s on-page SEO suggestions. If you are a newbie blogger and you have no idea about what is on-Page SEO you can stick to the suggestions by the SEO plugin.
09. Technical SEO

Getting the technical SEO is important these days because if you do certain things incorrect, it might impact your site negatively and in some cases you might have to face Google penalty.
Here are certain technical things that you need to get right.
- Have an SEO friendly URL structure
- Improve navigation on your site, make it user-friendly
- Make your site mobile friendly
- Implement AMP to make pages load faster on mobile devices
- Set the WWW or Non-WWW preference correctly with proper redirection
- Don’t fill your pages with ads, keep them moderate
One of the most important things when it comes to SEO is patience. The older and more consistent your website is, the higher your DA rating will be.
Some brands have spent years trying to reach where they are, and there are no real shortcuts available.
Make sure to create helpful content that will solve your reader’s issues and guide them properly.
As it is popularly said “write for humans not for the machines” because the machines will find you anyways.
Do proper keyword research before you start working on your content so that you can grow your search engine traffic, use LSI keywords to give your content the perfect context.
Use good quality images and videos on your posts to make them more engaging and share-worthy.
As already mentioned, the domain age is an important factor that affects domain authority, and you need to allow your website and business to grow before having your website at the top of search results.
Hope you find this article helpful.